Skin Tag Freezing, how does it work?

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Updated: Sep 8, 2021

Skin Tag Freezing

Skin tag removal by the method of freezing is a procedure normally carried out by a doctor using liquid nitrogen. This is carefully applied to the skin tag by using a swab or by a spray. There may be a small blister once the skin tag has been removed but this normally heals on its own. In the UK, the NHS classifies skin tag removal as a cosmetic treatment and generally a local GP will not treat or remove skin tags.


There are at home canisters available to purchase that are more cost efficient. If using a do it yourself at home freezing treatment method the user should be advised to be very careful to avoid the surrounding skin area, due to the discomfort that can be caused.

You may experience some discomfort when using this method to remove skin tags however the pain often subsides quite quickly. You should only need to apply one application to the skin tag to remove it. Skin tags that are very close to the skin could be awkward to apply the formula without causing irritation to the surrounding skin area.

How does freezing work?

Skin tags need oxygenated blood to survive. By freezing the tissue, it no longer has the blood required for survival and will start to die. Following treatment, the skin tag should turn black in colour as it begins to die, eventually it will fall off once it's dead. This will normally happen within 2 to 3 weeks of having the freezing treatment. If using a home treatment method, the surrounding skin area might go a red colour and feel sensitive but this normally fades after several days. Covering up the surrounding skin area before application might help reduce any negative effects. Having someone help during the application process would also be advisable.